Friday, February 10, 2006

im bored

I saw some of the fellas at my local forum doing this and i thought what the heck ill jump on the wagon too.

Now its 1 am and im still stuck infronth of my com, typing and thinking wtf am i going to type
and now im doing this, to anyone who had the kindness in their hearts to visit my humble abode ( which is rather messy btw) have fallen in to the random rants of a 19 year old kid with nothing better to do that sit here and yap about junk

thus concludes my comentary

will think of what im gonna write here in my sleep

A Conundrum is a puzzling question. In one variety of conundrum, the question is posed as a riddle and the answer is or involves a pun. More broadly, a conundrum is any problem where the answer is very complex, possibly unsolvable without deep investigation. A mystery or paradox can often be phrased as a conundrum.

thats my life one big conndrum

where life takes me from here i dont know

and when it will end

i wonder when....